uOttawa Mathematics

Algebra Seminar Winter 2010

Ottawa-Carleton Institute of Mathematics and Statistics

Organizers: Benjamin Steinberg (Carleton) and Kirill Zainoulline (UOttawa)
Carleton Mathematics

Place and time:

(Carleton-uOttawa shuttle information)

Fall 2009

13 Jan. (Carleton)

20 Jan. (UOttawa)

27 Jan. (Carleton)

24 Feb. (Carleton)

Workshop on Lie Theory and its Applications, February 26-28, 2010. (Carleton)

3 Mar. (UOttawa)

24 Mar. (UOttawa)

Workshop on Torsors, Lie algebras and Galois cohomology, March 26-28, 2010 (Uottawa)

31 Mar. (Carleton)

21 Apr. (UOttawa)

the 3-rd Lie Day, April 23, 2010 (Uottawa)

the 66-th Algebra Day, April 24, 2010 (Uottawa)